If you are a business owner, you are constantly looking for ways to decrease your stress. Simultaneously, you always have to make sure that the services you spend your money on are actually paying off for you, which ironically adds to your stress levels!
Fortunately, one surefire way to save money and decrease your stress level is to hire a bookkeeper. Don’t believe us? Take a look at this list of five of the most undeniable benefits of hiring a bookkeeper!
Five Bookkeeper Benefits
Your time and your mind are freed up, allowing you to focus on your expertise.
You trust an expert to handle your finances leading to fewer costly financial mistakes.
You receive critical financial information on time, allowing you to make timely decisions.
Your business has proper systems and processes in place which prevents cash “shrinkage.”
Your business is prepared for growth.
But the list of benefits of hiring a bookkeeper pales in comparison to the list of drawbacks
What You Risk by Not Hiring a Bookkeeper
Invoicing doesn’t happen on time.
Outstanding invoices aren’t tracked or collected.
Cash or inventory goes missing.
Lack of current financial information makes it impossible to make good financial decisions.
Payroll or government filings are done late, incorrectly, or not at all.
Bills are paid late or not at all, incurring late fees or credit hits.
No awareness of cash availability.
Growth is cut short by messy internal strife.
Doing your own books eats into your personal time.
If cash is tight, things are stressful.
All of this leads to a less happy, less productive, more stressed you! Not only that, you aren’t a bookkeeper! You know better than anyone that a professional can do their job faster, more efficiently, and for less money than someone who does the same work on an amateur level. It’s not rocket science; it’s common sense – so why take chances with one of your most valuable assets?
Five Reasons Why You Don’t Have a Bookkeeper
If you don’t have a bookkeeper, it’s probably because of of of the following reasons.
You don’t like the feeling of sharing your financial information with others. This is a big one, which is why it’s at the top of this list. You have to have someone you can trust with something as important as your financial information. You should have a good bookkeeper or accountant just like you should have a good lawyer; it’s just common sense. We are professionals who make your success our business!
You want to be intimately familiar with your cash flow. This is excellent motivation but the wrong way to look at it. By doing the books yourself, the chances for error are compounded tremendously. You ought to be reading financial statements and accounts receivable reports, not producing them.
You think a bookkeeper is expensive. We do this every day, and as such, we are quite fast, which saves your money. But the cost of not hiring us should be the thing that scares you here! We save you money by keeping your books in prime shape and doing our job well.
The state of your accounts is out of control and embarrassing. Let me assure you; we have seen it all. We walk into messes with every new account; your’s isn’t any different.
You don’t know how to find a good bookkeeper. This is the one that makes sense. It can be hard to find a good bookkeeper, so start by going to the website of a national bookkeeping association. Bookkeeping associations make sure that their members are properly trained and accredited. From there, it boils down to who you gel with!
Give us a call at 971-220-6416, or contact us at HELLO@TENKEYLLC.COM to learn more. It’s time to take your business to even greater heights!